Effective CRL Implementation

So there are lots and lots of useful resources on this website, but so what, you already have a packed and well developed curriculum.

Where does all of this fit?

The resources on this site have been designed from that perspective. In the main they are not whole lesson sequences, they are there to complement and extend the provision you already have. Use the planners to ensure your provision is progressive and planned. Embedding CRL (Career Related Learning) into the curriculum can complement regular use of resources for assemblies or showcase sessions.

Studying ‘electricity’ in Year 4? Well Spark has several videos of ‘real’ people who do that for a living. Short discussion starters to further enhance the children’s understanding of why the work they do in school is relevant to the real world they will grow into.

Research tells us that this approach not only improves life chances and lifelong earnings but even in the short term there is a measurable impact on attainment and achievement in school.

The resources linked below allow you to plan for a whole school approach so that teachers will know where content is when they need it. Of course the information can be added into your planning formats as required.

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These planners allow you to take an overview snapshot of where your provision currently covers. They are designed to identify at a glance where the gaps are and if it is appropriate to fill them.

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These overview planners give you examples of how resources and events can fit into your existing curriculum planning based on content from Spark.

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These planners allow you to look at provision within each subject, month by month. By doing so you can see where career related learning linked to curriculum subjects is most directed and most lacking.