Career Clusters

What type of person are you? Which roles would suit you best?

Everyone has different skills and interests. The brilliant work of Lucy Sattler helps pupils to identify their own strengths and relate them to roles. She has grouped roles into different clusters that share similar characteristics. Nobody is ‘one type’, we are all a blend, just like job roles and the resources help us to identify what fits with our own perceptions of ourselves (see below).

If you would like to try the version of the quiz for people who are already in the workforce, maybe as a demonstration to children about reflecting on your own thoughts and decisions, click the image.

There are lots of resources on Lucy’s website, many for free, but also some that can be subscribed to. They take a realistic and engaging approach to discussing careers and the world of work in a relatable and pupil focussed way. They also offer frameworks and resources to create a progressive and detailed programme of CRL in your school.

Click the images to discover related roles

Guardians protect our mental and physical wellbeing. They help us care for our health, and guard against illness and injury.

Coordinators are the people who plan, prepare, and administer our events, systems and economy.

Innovators design, engineer, and develop our things, spaces, and systems.

Linkers help us find, choose, secure, and use things. They can help us with products and physical items, or with the services and support we need.

Informers advise, teach, and guide us so we can manage our legal, social, and financial responsibilities, and participate in society.

Makers create and maintain the places where we live and work. They grow crops, build homes, repair vehicles, and keep the power on.