Animex Academy – 20th June 2024

Welcome to this year’s challenge!

Any problems, requests or comments:

Watch the film and decide what you will do

Top Tips from people in the industry

Resources that may help

Time and job planner

Simple story planner

Simple character planner

Annotated ‘how to’ detailed character planner

Detailed character planner

6 scene planner

More helpful resources

Never done stop motion before? Help is here!

Overview of some people in the industry

Max Howard, Disney Producer talking about the importance of story

Not used Scratch Jnr before? Well now is your chance! Guidance below for help and support and don’t think this is just for KS1, the tools available are really powerful for any age in primary.

Or ‘full Scratch’? The links below take you to various projects and ideas that may help

Scratch Tutorial page

Scratch project using multiple costumes to create animation

Scratch project of a short animated story

Guidance and ideas behind the short animated story example