Today we are back at Redhill Primary in Darlington this time to work with the Year 6 children and staff focusing on their futures and talking about their aspirations before jumping across to Year 5 in the afternoon.

As always, each of these days takes you on a journey and today the children certainly steered the course of the day with their natural curiosity and effective questioning skills! It was clear from the beginning that engagement levels were high with the number of questions bouncing around their brains and out into the classroom!

With Year 6, we used the app Keynote to think about career choices and reflect on the things they are passionate about by identifying their strengths before sharing their thoughts with others. We began to unpick some of the essential skills and attitudes that underpin many future opportunities. As usual, the rest of the session was couched within the context of life choices and the skills and attitudes that allow you to keep your options open throughout your life. More than that in fact, ways to enhance your opportunities in getting the things you want.

What a brilliant morning with Year 6! It was clear from the get-go we had a highly motivated, extremely engaged group of children who certainly know how to make the most of opportunities that head their way!

The afternoon kicked off with Year 5 children diving into the world of PR and Marketing, unraveling the strategies behind consumer attraction and influencer engagement. Using the Reality Composer app, we introduced the power of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), empowering pupils to craft digital objects and characters for video games.

 Augmented reality brought their creations to life, sparking creativity and concentration in the classrooms. What an incredible afternoon with the Year 5s!