Click the image below to access the resource page. The main film and teacher guidance is now available with more content being added daily, ready for 20th June.

Please contact: if you have any questions.

And we are off…

Pennyman Y5 has hit the ground running with a wide range of ideas:

“We have projects based around the history of Middlesbrough FC, a parallel universe adventure and a terrible tale of a school girl! We’re all very enthusiastic about getting started!”

And Hummersea Y3’s are wasting no time at all…

And a lovely compilation of ideas by Y1 at Kader Academy

And a busy start to Croftway’s work:

“We began the day by watching the videos for inspiration.  As we have been completing narratives in writing recently, the children all decided to create fictional stories.  They have so far designed their characters and decided on the type of story they are telling: adventure, mystery, ghost story or love story for example.

Having now come back from break they are starting on their story boards for their animations.”

And Y4 Hummersea are well under way too

And although we have Kader Digital Ambassadors here with us, most of the rest of the school is also taking part. Year 3:

Almost ready to start our stop motion after finishing up our story boards for Animex 2024!!

We have superhero figures spreading important messages about deforestation, saving water and being safe online

Fantastic to see ow work is progressing from earlier images at Pennyman in Y5. Many seem to have decided to use Reality Composer. It is fab for designing scenes and even creating characters but it will be an amazing problem solving exercise to animate in if they get that far. I used a few tricks in the challenge vid and it took me around 4 hours to make a 12 second section… I love enthusiasm though…

And down the corridor in Y4 “The children have decided to continue with their battle against some mythical beasts from the Spiderwick Chronicles.”

And just look at how creative Y4 at Hummersea are now getting to bring their creations to life

While Y3 are debugging their animations.

“Year 5 at Northwood have made a great start to Animex and have a range of projects on the go!  There is a cowboy adventure, several adverts and a crab making its way across the ocean”

Normanby year 4 children are getting excited about designing their characters for their animation!

And we have the fantastic Animex Digital Ambassadors with us today who have been coming to sessions all year. We have challenged them with some different types of techniques based on the main challenge.

Y5 at Kader are using stop motion to explore some of the world’s big issues. As part of our persuasive writing unit, our emotive stop motion videos aim to persuade people to stop and listen to our messages.”

And one of their Y4 animations.

And some from the morning at Normanby in Y4

Looks like an exciting afternoon ahead of the children at Thornhill

Year 1 at Kader has been completing stop-motion videos.  They have really enjoyed it! 

Normanby have also had Y6 working on the challenge:

The children enjoyed watching the video of what their challenge was and then discussing it. They found the smaller clips , giving them tips really helpful! They worked independently to create their own character before getting into pairs to design a scene. After, they cut out characters and placed them on scenes and shared their story ideas with their friends.

I liked designing my character and it looked exactly how I wanted it to!”  Elias

I liked hearing about Jen’s job, it sounded interesting.”  Kaitlin

Miss Shaw’s Y5 class at Breckon Hill have taken work they have been learning about and applied it to this task.

We are creating stop motion animations showing the history of Middlesbrough linking with our Geography work.” 

And Thornhill now getting onto the animation side of the day. We love the sets!

And Kader Y3 are now into the animation phase too

And Y4 Normanby cracking on… “Year 4 have been immersed in Animex today planning and bringing their ideas to life.”

I am amazed what you have achieved in one day, Kader Y5

Some final images from Normanby Y4

Hummersea Y4 have sent us some of their amazing finished animations. Great work!

And from here in the Animex Central, Breckon Hill’s Ambassadors

Thank you Y2 at Normanby for your kind words, your work looks amazing:

Y2 were inspired after watching the Animex video to start the day. They worked in groups to create characters and settings to include in their project. The group projects varied from stories, games, persuasive presentations, and cartoons. After the planning stage, the groups used Scratch Junior on their iPads to create their final presentations. They included moving characters, talking characters and detailed settings to tell their story, get their message across or create their very own game. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and their team work skills were fantastic. One child asked, ‘Can we do this everyday?’ We would very much like to thank SPARK for this opportunity.”

Some super coded work by Croft Primary Y2 and was that repeat functions I spotted???