What a wonderful morning at Westgarth Primary School working with the incredible Year 6 children and staff on the launch of our very first ‘Energy Academy Workshop’ funded by Redcar and Cleveland College.
During the session the children became ‘Energy Engineers’ and set up their own hydrogen powered car, planned a wind farm and built a working model. They also learnt all about renewable energy and the important role renewable energy plays in Teesside.
Using the solar panel, on a very overcast day, the children flipped the switch on their hydrocar and surprisingly it sprang to life! (The solar panel had worked and separated the hydrogen from the water even on the cloudiest of days). With great anticipation, they watched as the car with the private REG ‘I55ac N3wton’ won the race for the longest powered by the hydrogen!
What a morning, the energy from the children and staff was unbelievable and the children left with a buzz of excitement!