Pennyman Primary School were a pleasure to work with today on the TVCA funded ‘World of Work at Your Feet’ day. The children certainly loved the experience of being inside AV Dawson’s HQ and the views from the top floor across the Tees Valley took their breath away!
It just so happened that Gary Dawson himself popped in to surprise the children with his friend and Mayor of the Tees Valley Ben Houchen. They were very impressed to hear the children were using an interactive map of the Tees Valley to find out all about the different companies in our area and they asked the children about what they envisaged themselves doing when they were older.
Once our visitors had left, the children made friends with their ‘Dash’ robots and they learned to code and communicate with them. Then they visited a number of different business all across the Tees Valley on our World of Work interactive map and coded the robots to perform specific tasks for the companies. What a busy but absolutely fantastic day!
Please see the photos below and an iMovie of their work from the day.