It was fantastic to welcome Year 5 from Therese of Lisieux Primary school to our latest World of Work Days funded by TVCA at AV Dawson. I had the pleasure of working with them on an Enterprise Day several months ago and it was clear that many of the things that we discussed and discovered on that day were still very much in their minds. They brought that experience into the event today which is of course how it should be, a co-ordinated and developmental programme of activities that fit into the curriculum across year groups. Of course the World of Work Days focus on coding and discovering local companies and the children really enjoyed using Dash (most want want for Christmas!) to contextualise the different businesses they found out about. To be honest, they would have just coded Dash all day If I had let them but linking that activity to the company discovery and presentation ensured that the learning opportunities were maximised.
As usual you can see pics from the day below and samples from their work woven into a movie at the bottom: