I always have a bit of a cynical eye on any evaluations that I ask teachers to do when I have worked in a school. Because of the innovative nature of what we do, usually not focussed on literacy or numeracy and certainly not hitting traditional ‘standards’, our work is always really well received by schools. I would much rather ask the teachers and children about impact several weeks or months later if I wanted a true gauge. However as part of the TVCA funded Enterprise Days we have been handing out evaluation forms knowing that these are just one off events. Today at St Margaret Clitherow Primary in Southbank the teacher working with me did not fill in the evaluation straight away, she instead went to ask the children what they thought. ‘Did you learn much? Was it useful?’ etc. As usual the feedback was absolutely brilliant and to be honest I feel more convinced that we had a real impact when I hear from the children instead of the teachers. Today was day 2 with the other half of Y6. The children were brilliant and really engaged with all of the activities ending with some tricky VR work using Reality Composer that really takes a creative approach and real resilience to get the hang of. It certainly didn’t phase them and it was brilliant to see them make mistakes, take stock and revise what they were doing, then achieve what they had in mind. Brilliant.

Pics below and their work at the very bottom of the post to have a look at.

And to see their work, click the link, download the file and open in Notes:
