I was asked the other day why there hadn’t been any new content or updates on this website since the Summer Term.

Dragon Breath
Of course the answer to all of these is ‘no’. Although I love to shout about and showcase the work that I am doing with schools and organisations every day, I have stopped posting on here because this is now the ‘old’ website….in my head anyway.
I have started the process of developing and designing a new website to be created by professional people who actually know they are doing. Hopefully that should be sorted by the end of November with a roll out of a new and shiny website in the New Year.
Million Pound Giveaway
‘Who cares what your website looks like?’ I don’t hear you cry as the tumbleweed wafts through…well right now the schools who are already subscribed to the site have a single password shared between all of them and to find things they have to navigate menus. Those of you who have worked with me in the past will know that I like to make things as easy and efficient as possible. The new site will have a login (by email) for every single teacher and an efficient search engine that can search by age range, curriculum focus, topic and sector. So I can go in, type in ‘Y5, Science, electricity’ and all relevant resources will appear. I am currently working closely with a number of schools and Trusts to identify companies and organisations in the world of work that in some way use pretty much every objective in the National Curriculum. The resources are not intended to replace what schools already teach, but enhance, with a short video here and an activity there, so we build knowledge of the world of work, the roles, personalities, opportunities and so on INTO the rest of the curriculum. Yes some resources are add ons, stand alones, assembly use or whatever but I hope that by giving schools such a huge choice of ways in: a day a year planner and resources, a week a year, once a half term, or fully integrated….the resource and guidance will be there for you based on a decade of working in schools on this agenda.
Did I mention it only costs £325 a year for all of the staff in your school?
Did I also mention that if you subscribe now, you won’t be billed until after Christmas but you will have IMMEDIATE access to the hidden bits of THIS website with hundreds of localised resources?
No, I must have forgotten to tell you.